Wheel Diameter is the distance between the bottom and top of the tire.
Wheel Size Input is the value to enter into the speedometer for
the wheel circumference or perimeter size.
Using a Speedometer On a Scooter or Go Kart
A speedometer can be used on an electric scooter or go kart if the correct wheel size
is programmed into it. Most speedometer instruction manuals only list wheel size input numbers for 16" and larger wheels, however
speedometers can be used with wheels smaller than 16" if the correct wheel size is programmed
into the computer using the calculator above.
Install Speedometer On Wheel Without Spokes
Speedometers come with a magnet that is designed to mount onto a wheel
spoke however most electric scooters and go karts do not have wheels with spokes. To
install a speedometer on a vehicle with wheels that do not have spokes,
attach a small strong magnet onto the outside of the rim with 5-minute epoxy glue. Then
mount the speedometer's magnet pickup sensor near the magnet just as would
be done for a bicycle installation. Neodymium magnets are very strong and
available in small sizes which are perfect for this application.