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Rad2Go Scooter Parts > Rad2Go Gelato Parts

Rad2Go® Gelato Electric Scooter Parts

Battery Set for Rad2Go® Gelato Electric Scooter
Set of four(4) 12 Volt 12Ah batteries for the Rad2Go® Gelato Electric Scooter electric scooter. Includes 12 month battery replacement warranty. Warranty Details

Battery Charger for Rad2Go® Gelato Electric Scooter
Standard battery charger for the Rad2Go® Gelato electric scooter.
Item # CHR-48V1.6AHS

Fast-RateBattery Charger for Rad2Go® Gelato Electric Scooter
Fast-rate battery charger for the Rad2Go® Gelato electric scooter. Recharges the battery pack in around 35% less time than the standard 1.6 Amp battery charger takes.
Item # CHR-48V2.5AHS

Charger Port for Rad2Go® Gelato Electric Scooter
Battery charger port for the Rad2Go® Gelato electric scooter.
Item # CNX-605

Throttle for Rad2Go® Gelato Electric Scooter
Twist throttle for the Rad2Go® Gelato electric scooter.
item # THR-35

53 LED Headlight for Rad2Go® Gelato Electric Scooter
Bright 53 LED headlight for the Rad2Go® Gelato electric scooter. Top mounted push button switch activates three different power modes: low, medium and high. High power mode turns on all 53 LED's at once. This headlight lights up the road very well at night compared to most other LED headlights. Requires 3 AA cell batteries. (batteries not included)
Item # LIT-53LED

Safety Warning Bell With Compass for Rad2Go® Gelato Electric Scooter
Compass bell for the Rad2Go® Gelato electric scooter. Pleasant sounding and attention grabbing chime bell sound. Easy to view real magnetic compass. Easy to install design.
Item # BEL-360


2-1/2" Valve Stem Extender for Rad2Go® Gelato Electric Scooter
2-1/2" long chrome-plated brass valve stem extender with cap. For filling hard to reach valve stems.
Item # VXT-160

7-1/4" Flexible Valve Stem Extender for Rad2Go® Gelato Electric Scooter
7-1/4" long flexible valve stem extender with cap. For filling hard to fill valve stems. Reinforced rubber hose with solid brass hardware.
Item # VXT-714

Slime® Inner Tube Sealant for Rad2Go® Gelato Electric Scooter
Instantly seals punctures in the tread area up to 1/8". Remains liquid, evenly coating the inside of the tube. Non-flammable, non-toxic, water soluble, easy to use. For the for the Rad2Go® Gelato electric scooter use one bottle of sealant per tire. 8 fluid ounce / 237mL bottle.
Item # TIR-SL8

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